Distinguished Revolver

Distinguished Pistol

  3/23/14- Jr. Newsletter

Local Match Results

Match Calendar

Where are the Matches?

Where are the LEAGUES?


Camp Perry
 revised for 2025- FAQ for newbies

and Services

2024- Sponsors

Guns etc. for Sale
- updated 12/1/24

State Champions

NJ Outdoor Champ


 New Jersey Junior Pistol Shooters

New Jersey Law DOES allow Juniors (under age 21) to shoot handguns under specific conditions (see details)


Juniors shoot FOR FREE in NRA Registered matches at
CJRPC, Lake Island, SCFGPA, Square Circle and CRRC!

( contact Mary@NJPistol.net for match signup details!)

2011 - Junior Bullseye Newsletter started by John Gunn III
2013-14 Editor, Mary Badiak - click here to read previous issues

ALSO - Check out the CMP Junior Newsletter "On the Mark"

APPLY - SCHOLARSHIPS for High School Seniors!!

ANJRPC (application deadline - end of AUGUST) - Juan won 2nd place in 2015 - Trevor and Matt M. both won 1st place in 2016!
Tyler N won 1st place in 2017!


 CMP (application deadline - beginning of MARCH) - Michael B won in 2014, Juan won in 2015!!

  NJ Junior Pistol "History"

In 2003 New Jersey brought a 4 shooter Junior Team to the National Matches at Camp Perry!


The Junior 4-member Service Pistol Team took first place that year!

In 2004 John Gemmill launched an extra effort to bring more juniors to the sport!

Old Bridge Junior Bullseye Clinic 2004

John instituted the policy that juniors shoot FOR FREE at his NRA Registered matches in NJ!

He was very proud of our future generation of champions on the firing line!

(There would be no junior bullseye in NJ if not for John Gemmill!)

John also instituted Old Bridge's weekly JUNIOR LEAGUE in 2004 - with Ed Glidden, it continued through 2016!

A Junior league was started at CJRPC by Mike Westock, who ran it from 2008 thru OD season 2015
- it continues today with Rich Bogath!


NJ brought a full 4-member Junior team to Camp Perry in 2005...and every year since
- In 2016 we brought TWO 4-member 3-gun JUNIOR TEAMS for the 1st time!  - In 2019 we brought a record 14 juniors!


  0.22 CF 0.45 Agg
2019 1075-18* 951-7* 1033-17* 3059-42*
2018 1067-22 1027-18* 927-9 3021-49
2017 1058-14* 995-12* 996-11 3048-37*
2016 -GOLD 1059-20 951-11 1002-12* 3012-43
2016 -SILVER 985-6 876-6 867-6 2728-18
2015 1058-12 961-12 912-11 2931-33
2014 1063-24 964-9 972-15 2999-48
2013 1051-18 903-7 923-10 2877-35
2012 985-9 984-10 933-9 2902-28
2011 1021-13 983-15 947-10 2951-38
2010 1013-10 916-10 858-10 2787-30
2009 956-10 916-4 899-11 2771-25
2008 971-7 826-9 932-12 2729-28
2007 1004-15 955-11 898-8 2857-34
2006 987-9 872-12 881-7 2740-28
2005 1026-11 860-10 DNF 1886-21
2004       no team
2003 978-14 960-10 920-7 2858-31


22-ONLY Junior Teams

In 2018 we had two 2-Member Jr. teams - in 2019 we had two 4-Member teams!

  0.22 CF 0.45 Agg
2019-22-ONLY GOLD 982-25 973-12 1007-13 2962-50
2019-22-ONLY SILVER 871-6 820-5 905-5 2596-16
2018 22-only GOLD (2 man) 503-3 490-5 505-8 1498-16
2018 22-only SILVER (2 man) 452-4 444-4 436-3 1332-11
2017-22-ONLY 985-6 1003-14 996-18 2984-26


In 2016 NJ Junior Gold Team won .45 Cal. Junior National Championship!

In 2017 NJ Junior Gold were OVERALL NATIONAL CHAMPIONS (also .22 Cal and Centerfire)!!

In 2018 NJ Junior Team won Centerfire Junior National Championship!

In 2019 NJ Junior Gold were OVERALL NATIONAL CHAMPIONS ("Clean sweep" - .22, CF, .45 and Agg)!!

Michael B was 2nd Junior Overall in 2016!  Juan was NATIONAL JUNIOR CHAMPION in 2017!

In 2019 Devin and Justin were 2nd and 3rd Overall

In 2018 and 2019 NJ Junior 2-member team finished 2nd in CMP Junior Matches!

In 2015 NJ Junior 2-member teams finished 1st and 2nd in CMP Junior Matches!

and our "adopted" junior, Sam, won Junior NTI (and again in 2017, 2018, 2019)!!

See the CMP article on Sam's story

...and Sam was NRA Junior Champion in 2018 and 2019I!!

Competitive accomplishments:

Junior Team Match 2004

National Indoor Team Records 2005

National Indoor Team Records 2006


SSUSA write-up Nov. 2012


National Indoor 25 yd. Junior Team Records 2013 and again in 2014 and again in 2015 and again in 2016 and again in 2017 and again in 2018

National Outdoor Short Course Junior Team Records 2013 and again in 2014 and again in 2015

National Indoor 50 ft.Junior Team Records 2019 (breaking a record that stood since 1971!!)

Individual Accomplishments:


Michael B Soklaski, age 15 (left, above) set his first individual Indoor Junior National Record
in Slow Fire at 25 yards in 2012 (see match details)!
- He broke his own record TWICE more, latest at age 17 (right, above) at NJIDC 2014

MORE individual Indoor National Junior records set by Michael B:

.45 cal Rapid Fire at 25 yds 196-9X 10/23/2013
.22 cal Timed Fire at 25 yds. (co-holder) 200-13X 11/23/2013
.22 cal. Aggregate at 25 yds. 874-31X 11/23/2013

Michael got a scholarship to shoot pistol for OSU in 2014!

Michael, front and center with Free pistol, Senior year in 2018 (OSU Pistol Team, National Collegiate Champions!)

-->  Click here for updates on the OSU pistol team!


 Kimberly Hullings, age 16 (above), NJ State Indoor Junior Champion for 2008 (see match details)

Kim got a scholarship to shoot pistol for Ohio State University in 2010!

 Thanks for past support from Larry Carter's  Junior Pistol Shooters of America

12/3/18- Larry Carter remembered 

8/5/12- JSPA donated 100 rounds of SKJagd match ammo
to EACH of our 20 Junior competitors at NJ's first JUNIOR ONLY NRA Registered Pistol Match,
PLUS a full BRICK to each the top male and female!

12/1/10- JSPA  lent a gun box with spotting scope to new CJ Junior Cody N!! 

12/1/10- JSPA  sponsored a pair of dedicated shooting glasses
 (including eye exam for the prescription) for NJ's Kim Hullings at OSU!!

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NJ Law regarding Juniors:

link to code cited below 

                    2C:58-6.1 Possession of firearms by minors; exceptions

14.  a.  No person under the age of 18 years shall purchase, barter or otherwise acquire a firearm and no person under the age of 21 years shall purchase, barter or otherwise acquire a handgun, unless the person is authorized to possess the handgun in connection with the performance of official duties under the provisions of N.J.S.2C:39-6.

b.No person under the age of 18 years shall possess, carry, fire or use a  firearm except as provided under paragraphs (1), (2), (3) and (4) of this subsection; and, unless authorized in connection with the performance of official duties under the provisions of N.J.S.2C:39-6, no person under the age of 21 years shall possess, carry, fire or use a handgun except under the following circumstances:

(1)In the actual presence or under the direct supervision of his father, mother or guardian, or some other person who holds a permit to carry a handgun or a firearms purchaser identification card, as the case may be;  or

(2)For the purpose of military drill under the auspices of a legally recognized military organization and under competent supervision;  or

(3)For the purpose of competition or target practice in and upon a firing range approved by the governing body of the municipality in which the range is located or the National Rifle Association and which is under competent supervision at the time of such supervision or target practice or instruction and training at any location; or

(4)For the purpose of hunting during the regularly designated hunting season, provided that he possesses a valid hunting license and has successfully completed a hunter's safety course taught by a qualified instructor or conservation officer and possesses a certificate indicating the successful completion of such a course.

c.A person who violates this section shall be guilty of a crime of the fourth degree.  For purposes of this section the fact that the act would not constitute a crime if committed by an adult shall not be deemed to prohibit or require waiver of family court jurisdiction pursuant to N.J.S.2C:4-11 or to preclude a finding of delinquency under the "New Jersey Code of Juvenile Justice," P.L.1982, c.77 (C.2A:4A-20 et seq.), P.L.1982, c.79 (C.2A:4A-60 et seq.), P.L.1982, c.80 (C.2A:4A-76 et seq.) and P.L.1982, c.81 (C.2A:4A-70 et seq.).

L.1979,c.179,s.14;  amended 1980, c.52;  2000, c.145, s.3.


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This website was originally inspired and instituted by Kathy Chatterton

Please send comments or suggestions to:  Mary@njpistol.net