CMP vs NRA 2700s

As of 2020 there are TWO KINDS of matches for you to enjoy!
Here is an outline of some DIFFERENCES!


Updated** CMPvsNRA_2021_for posting.pdf
(see specific Rules below)

January 18, 2020 -
The following is intended to help a competitor who has been firing NRA Precision Pistol matches understand what is different in the newly created CMP Match Pistol
with the hope we can enjoy BOTH kinds of matches this year!
Comments in blue come directly from Gary Anderson!
Updated for 2021**

For Competitors:

1-CMP five shot series = NRA five shot string. [Range Commands]
2-CMP Line is clear = all pistols have been cleared = NRA Line is Safe.
3-CMP slow fire commands specify loading 5 rounds at a time.
4-CMP Safety flags must be in guns THAT ARE CASED! [3.6.1 and 3.6.4]
One would think this would not be necessary, but CMP Armorers have reported pistols coming to their check stations that were loaded as they came out of cases or pistol boxes.
5-CMP scorecards must be turned in by SCORER, not competitor. [3.10.8]
6-CMP calls for a warning and then DEDUCTION OF POINTS PER SERIES as a penalty option for some (non-safety-related) rules violations (as decided or confirmed by 2 Competition Officials). [3.12.1]
7-CMP specifically EXPELS a competitor who LOADS and FIRES BEFORE THE COMMAND TO LOAD! [3.6.7]
8-CMP pistols may NOT be changed during a single event (a 900) except when disabled. [4.3.1]
8a-**Removed in 2021 Disabled pistol must be replaced with one of same type and caliber. [4.3.5]
9-CMP does NOT make you measure the size of your brass screen mesh. [4.5.5]
9a-**Added in 2021CMP DOES make you measure the size of your eyeglasses. [3.6.2]
10-CMP has Range Alibis but interruption of fire procedures are mostly the same as NRA, except for some time limits (In slow fire you get time remaining plus 2 minutes). [3.9.3 and 5.15]
Everyone on the line who was prevented from firing or completing the series would refire. Anyone who completed the series accepted the conditions and would not be given the option of refiring. The shooters who opted to fire were not prevented from firing so they would receive their scores. Those who opted not to fire due to a range alibi condition would refire.
CMP Rules generally follow a principle that says if you shoot it, you own it. The one exception would be a real disturbance that occurs at the time of the shot and was not known beforehand.
We don’t think some competitors should be given the possibility of having two chances to fire a good series.
11-There are no citizenship or individual membership requirements to set CMP National Records. [2.1]

NOTE:Currently [10.2.1] CMP National Records may only be set at the CMP National Matches and CMP Travel Games.
The CMP initially wanted to limit the possibility of establishing National Records to matches that it actually supervised and conducted (i.e. NM, National Chs and Travel Games). Once the program is well-established, the CMP could consider extending it to CMP sanctioned matches.
12-CMP Jury decides protests. [3.2.1]
13-CMP Statistical Officer or Designated Scoring Officer(s) decides scoring challenges. Scoring Officers are listed among CMP Competition Officials (who may be competitors.) [3.2.3 and 3.10.5]
14-CMP has no Referee position. [3.2.7]
In the CMP system, the authorities that the Referees had are given to the Match Director, CRO, and CSO.
15-CMP classifications are computed for the competitor’s most recent 300 shots (running average), before which it is computed as 30, 40 or 90 shot scores come in (vs. NRA temporary or assigned class and score record books) and are effective as soon as processed at CMP (vs. waiting for NRA effective dates).
Yes, CMP classification changes become effective as soon as scores are recorded.
16-CMP will not count scores toward classification for EX and higher if series score is less than 60% of shooter’s current average.
A true sub-normal score is not an indication of a competitor’s real ability and could distort their classification average.
17-CMP will consider classification downward revision, but no specific terms are listed.
This would be decided by CMP staff based on a competitor’s average in the most recent 300 shots.
18-CMP will accept NRA classification unless competitor earns a higher CMP Match Pistol classification.

NOTE: CMP Match Pistol classifications use the same definitions as NRA Precision Pistol.
CMP also has NTI/EIC classifications, which are different  (MK <72.0, 79.99< SS <=72.0, 84.99 < EX<=80.0, 89.99 < MA <=85.0, HM >=90.0)

NOTE: Currently CMP does not have different Match Pistol classification depending on Indoors/Outdoors/distances (50 ft, 25 yds.) or .22-ONLY-2700

For Teams

19-For CMP matches, Junior Team coaches may be firing members of other teams. [2.6.5]
20-For CMP Team matches, Teams may represent CMP Affiliated Clubs. There are 30-day membership and residency requirements (also for State Association Teams.) [2.6.8, 2.6.9]

NOTE: Open teams may be allowed if listed in a match program. [2.11]
21-CMP Team scores are not included for individual classification. [3.11.4b]

For Match Directors and Stats Officers

22-There are no individual score reporting fees for CMP Match Pistol competitions, just a flat fee per day ($30 plus $6.95 postage). [1.5.2]
23-CMP Match Pistol competitions may be held without turning targets for the same fee (vs. NRA Approved at $4.50 per competitor, NRA Registered at $5.50, NRA Regional/Sectional at $8).[3.7.3]

NOTE: Currently sanctioning request is still done by snail mail - see the form (listed as Non-EIC) at
24-CMP provides scorecards and publishes results online. [ ]
25-CMP Competition officials may be competitors. [3.2]
26-CMP tie breaking has different rules. [3.10.11]
The aggregate tie-breaking rule will differ from the NRA rule since we are seeking a tie-breaker where additional calculations are not necessary to determine rankings.

1.5.2 Entry Fees A sanctioning fee of $20.00 [$30 per day for Match Pistol 2700] must accompany each application to conduct a CMP sanctioned match.
There are no individual or other fees for CMP sanctioned matches. There are no individual membership requirements to participate in CMP-sanctioned matches.
The local sponsor may charge individual entry fees sufficient to cover expenses necessary to conduct the match.
Appendix A7. Entry Fees -(a) NRA Registration Fee: A fee of $4.50 per competitor is charged by NRA for Approved Tournaments.
Appendix B7 -NRA Registration Fee: A fee of $5.50 per competitor is charged by the NRA for Registered Tournaments.
Appendix A or B11. Reports to NRA -(a) An SR-I card for each competitor [or printed spreadsheet in prescribed format, is to be submitted BY MAIL]
showing the total number of shots fired in individual matches and a total score, the total number of shots fired in fired team matches, and the total score of the fired team match(es).
2.1 General Eligibility All CMP-sponsored or CMP-sanctioned matches are open to any individual or team that complies with these eligibility requirements.
U. S. citizenship is not required to participate. Individual membership in the CMP or a sponsoring organization is not required to participate.
17. NATIONAL RECORDS- NRA National Records shall be established only by American citizens who are NRA members or junior members of NRA affiliated clubs.
2.6.5 Team Captains and Firing Members-
d) Team firing members may also act as coaches of junior teams when they are not firing.
2.10 Team Representation- No individual may be a Team Captain, Coach, firing member, or alternative firing member on more than one team in any match.
2.7.6 Club Civilian - Civilian Teams must represent a CMP-affiliated club. Civilian Club Teams may include members who are eligible to compete as Junior, Senior or Police.
2.7.7 Junior - Junior Teams must represent a CMP-affiliated state association or CMP-affiliated club. Firing members of Junior teams must be eligible to compete as Juniors under Rule 2.6.3.
2.7.8 At-Large Junior - Junior teams that do not meet the residency requirements in Rule 2.7.6 may compete as At-Large Junior Teams if the match program permits participation by At-Large Junior Teams.
2.6.8 Affiliation Team captains and firing members must have been members of the organization and category or sub-category they represent for at least 30 days before the beginning of the match.
This restriction does not apply to team coaches.
2.6.9 Residency - Team captains, team coaches and firing members of State Civilian (Rule 2.7.5), Law Enforcement (Rule 2.7.9), Club Civilian (Rule 2.7.6)
or Junior teams must be residents of the state that the team represents or in which the club is located and they must have lived in that state for at least 30 days before the match.
The following exceptions apply:
a) This rule does not apply to team coaches of state or club junior teams; and
b) Clubs with members from adjoining states who reside in the area where the club is located and who regularly participate in that club’s activities may apply to CMP Competitions for an exception to this rule. This exception does not apply to state association teams.
2.11 Open Category Teams- Open teams and/or Open Junior teams may be included in Match Programs for competitions or events that use Match Pistol Rules.
2.11 Open Teams- Teams may be comprised of members without restriction on residency or club membership.
3.2 - Competition Officials should normally not also be competitors, but if, exceptionally, Competition Officials are competitors they must also fulfill all competitor requirements listed in Rule 3.4.
Appendix B -8. Registered Tournament Officials as Competitors - The Match Director, Deputy Match Director, Chief Range Officer, Chief Statistical Officer, and Chief Pit Officer (where applicable) may NOT compete in a tournament at which they are officiating.
Match Officials- 3.2.1 - The Match Director may make decisions regarding the application or interpretation of rules during the competition, however, if a protest is submitted (Rule 3.13.1), he/she must appoint a Jury to decide the protest.
3.2.3 - Statistical Officer or a designated Scoring Officer(s) is responsible for making decisions regarding the number or scores of shots, and for making final decisions on all score challenges.[Scoring Officers are appointed and trained by Chief Statistical Officer.]
3.10.5 - Score Challenges, Paper Targets- If a competitor feels that a shot fired by him/her was improperly scored, the competitor must notify the Range Officer or Scoring Officer that he/she wishes to challenge that score. Match sponsors may charge a challenge fee of no more than $3.00 for each score challenge. A Scoring Officer or the Statistical Officer must decide the challenge. Score challenge decisions by one of these officers are final and not subject to further protest or appeal. If a challenge is upheld the challenge fee must be returned.
16.1 Challenges - (b) When targets are scored on frames and the scoring of a target is challenged, the Range Officer will immediately call the Official Referee or Supervisor, who will score the target. If necessary to avoid delaying the match the challenged target will be replaced with a clean target and the match will proceed. The Official Referee, Jury or Supervisor will score the target as soon as possible and notify the competitor. -(d) The Match Director may re-check any competitor’s target by an administrative challenge.
3.2.7 - If a written protest is filed in accordance with Rule 3.13.2 c), the Match Director must appoint a Jury of three qualified persons to decide the protest. Jury members should be experienced shooters, coaches or team officials who do not have a direct interest in the protest to be decided. The competition shall be completed based on the Jury decision. Jury decisions, however, may be appealed to the CMP and are subject to review (Rule 3.13.4).
11.2.1 Jury - In all Registered Tournaments, which are not State, Sectional, Regional or National Championships, a 3-member Jury will be formed by the Match Director to function as described in Rule 11.2. One member of the Jury must be a member of the sponsoring organization and complete the reports required by NRA. The members of the Jury may or may not be competitors in that tournament. A Jury member shall be exempted from ruling on a matter in which personally involved. The Match Director will name a replacement for that Jury member while ruling on that action. Under no circumstances may any Match Official (Rules 11.1,11.1.1, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6, and 11.7) be a member of the Jury.
11.2 Official Referee - An Official Referee is required at all NRA Sanctioned State, Sectional, Regional and National Championships. Assignments are made from Headquarters of the National Rifle Association. The NRA Official Referee is not an administrative or operating official and is not responsible for the behavior or efficiency of either range or statistical office personnel. It is the responsibility of the Referee to see that all National Rifle Association Rules are properly interpreted and applied. His decisions will be final in scoring of challenged targets except when scoring in the pit and at National Championships. He/she will not score except when called on to rule on challenges. It is the Referee’s duty to rule on all protests and challenges. Except in an emergency involving the safety of personnel or property the Referee will not give instructions directly to tournament operating personnel but will give all such instructions through the Match Director.
In the event of a disagreement between Match Officials, the Official Referee shall prevail at the match with recourse only to the Protest Committee. The NRA Official Referee may not change the NRA rules as printed herein and as officially amended. It is the duty of the Referee to render a complete report to the National Rifle Association covering all phases of the tournament. The Referee may disqualify all or any portion of the score if, in the Referee’s opinion the conditions warrant such action. A report will be submitted on any Tournament Official who refuses to accept proper instructions given by the Official Referee. After full hearing is held by the Protest Committee on such a report the Association may:
(a) Warn, suspend or bar anyone from serving or competing in NRA competitions.
(b) Warn, suspend or cancel the Certificate of the Official Referee.
(c) Refuse to accept for registration or approval of any further tournament conducted on the same range or by the same organization until the unsatisfactory condition reported by the Official Referee has been corrected. An Official Referee may not compete in any match fired in the conjunction with any tournament where he is officiating as the Official Referee.
3.6.1 - Safety Flags (formerly called Empty Chamber Indicators or ECIs) must be placed in all pistols when they are removed from a vehicle and/or carried on a range whether they are carried in a pistol box or case or are carried uncased. Safety flags may only be removed during preparation and firing periods. Safety flags must be fluorescent orange, yellow or a similar bright color and must have a probe that inserts into the chamber and a visible flag that projects out from the open gun action.
ALSO 3.6.4 - Pistols should be carried in closed pistol boxes or gun cases and they must always be carried with a safety flag inserted, whether cased or uncased.
**Added in 2021-3.6.2 - Eye and Ear Protection - All competitors and competition officials, including Scorers or Verifiers, are required to wear eye and hearing protection when on shooting range firing lines during pistol firing. Eye protection must have two complete lenses with minimum dimensions in depth and width for each lens of 1.30 in. It is strongly recommended that eyewear worn on firing lines meet or exceed the ANSI Z87.1 safety standard impact protection. Competitors’ eyewear must be worn so that the two lenses remain in front of the eyes during firing (see diagram). No one will be allowed to participate in a CMP-sanctioned competition unless they are wearing eyewear and hearing protection that complies with this rule. Any competitor or match official who is not in compliance with this rule will be warned in accordance with Rule 3.12.2 a). Refusal to comply with a warning is grounds for disqualification.
3.19 Eye Protection - All competitors and other personnel in the immediate vicinity of the range complex are urged to wear eye protection devices. Match sponsors (and/or ranges) may require eye protection.
3.20 Ear Protection - All competitors and other personnel in the immediate vicinity of the range complex are urged to wear hearing protection devices. Only sound reducing devices may be worn. Match sponsors (and or ranges) may require ear protection.
3.7.3 Target Line- Targets are located along a line parallel to the firing line(s) that is 50 feet, 25 yards or 50 yards from the firing line. Targets may be turning or fixed, except that National Trophy, National Championship [**Removed in 2021 ’and EIC Matches’] events must be fired on turning targets.
3.9.3 - Range Alibi or Interruption of Fire- A range alibi or interruption of fire occurs when a competitor, group of competitors or relay of competitors are prevented from firing or completing a series due to a fault of the range or range officials or an emergency cease fire. If a range alibi occurs, additional time or a refire shall be permitted as follows:
a) If there is a range alibi or interruption on an individual target during a slow-fire stage, the competitor, group of competitors or relay of competitors who were prevented from firing or completing the series will be allowed to finish firing within the time remaining when the range alibi occurred or the competitor(s) may be moved to another target(s) and be given the amount of time remaining when the range alibi occurred plus two (2) additional minutes.
b) If there is a range alibi or interruption on all targets on the range during a slow-fire stage, all competitors will be allowed to finish firing as soon as the problem is resolved within the time remaining when the range alibi occurred.
9.12 (f) When a cease fire occurs in slow fire stage; Cease Fire, will be announced (3) three times, the time remaining will be noted, and the targets turned away. Upon resumption of firing, shooters will be called to the line, provided with a (1) one minute preparation period, followed by the allowance of time remaining for completion of the slow fire string.

c) If a range alibi or interruption occurs during a timed or rapid-fire series, all shots fired by a competitor, group of competitors or relay of competitors who were prevented from firing or completing the series must be nullified and a new series will be fired as soon as the problem is resolved.
9.12 Interruption of Fire-
(a) In timed or rapid fire when the firing of a string is interrupted by some occurrence which renders it impossible for one or more competitors to complete the string under the conditions of the match, the Chief Range Officer will proceed as follows. Without being permitted to examine their targets, competitors in the relay who have been so prevented from completing their strings will be asked if they wish to refire or to accept their score as fired. Targets will then be scored in the usual manner for all competitors except those who have elected to refire. Without being scored, the targets of such competitors who have elected to refire will be pasted or new targets substituted and a complete string will be fired and scored. Reasons authorizing this procedure are:
(1) Failure to allow full time.
(2) Failure of targets to operate properly or uniformly.
(3) Failure of target to remain in position on frame or carrier.
(4) Damage to target rendering impossible proper aiming or scoring impossible.
(5) The appearance of some object in line of fire constituting a hazard.
(6) Some incident involving a Range Officer or competitor on the firing line.
(7) Unintended moving of the target during fire.
(b) In timed or rapid fire when, due to faulty target operation or error in timing, one or more competitors are allowed more time to complete the string than provided by conditions of the match, the Chief Range Officer will immediately order all such targets pasted or new targets installed. The fired target wi[ll] not be scored. A complete new string will then be fired by the competitors who are allowed extra time. If in the same relay some targets operate properly in accordance with the legal time limit, such targets will be scored in the usual manner and competitors firing on those targets will not be required or permitted to refire.
(c) In slow fire in case a target is unintentionally moved out of firing position just as a shot is fired the shot will be circled by the Range Officer if it can be identified, and disregarded when target is scored. If the shot cannot be identified, the competitor will be permitted to accept the score as fired or to fire a completely new string.
(d) In case of excessive hits see Rule 14.10.
(e) If a shot hits the target frame or the target carrier causing the target to fall, the Range Officer will be notified. The target will be rehung and if the shot causing the target to fall strikes outside the scoring rings of the target, it will be scored as a miss. All other shots on the target will count as record shots. For slow fire the competitor will be permitted to continue to fire any unfired shots. For timed and rapid fire the competitor will refire the string on the same target as provided in Rule 9.14.
3.10.8 - When signed by the competitor and Scorer or Verifier, the scorecard becomes a record of the competitor’s score in that event. The Scorer or Verifier, not the competitor, must turn in signed scorecards to a designated Competition Official.
3.10.11 Tie Breaking -
a) Ties in individual events must be broken by the highest X-count, then by the highest score on the last stage (highest X-count will break ties), then by the highest score in the next to the last stage, etc. In events with slow, timed and rapid-fire stages, the highest score in the rapid-fire stage will be considered first, then the highest score in the timed-fire stage and then the highest score in the slow-fire stage.
b) If ties in individual events remain unbroken, the tie will be broken by applying, in the order listed, the following steps to the last stage or rapidfire stage, then to the next to the last stage or timed-fire stage and then to the next stage or slow-fire stage:
By the fewest misses.
By the fewest hits of lowest value.
By the fewest hits of the next lowest value, etc.
c) If ties in individual events remain unbroken, the tie is unbreakable and the tied competitors shall be listed in alphabetical order according to their family names, with the same ranking.
d) Ties in team events must be broken by totaling the scores of all team members and applying individual tie-breaking procedures to those totals.
e) A tie in an aggregate event shall be broken by applying the following criteria in order:
The highest total X-count.
If a tie remains, ties in 2700 Aggregates will be broken by the highest score in the 45 Caliber Pistol Match (900), then by the highest score in the Centerfire Pistol Match (900), then by the highest score in the 22 Rimfire Pistol Match (900).
Ties in other aggregate events will be broken by the highest score in the last sub-event fired, then by the next to the last sub-event fired, etc.
If a tie remains unbroken in a 2700 Aggregate, it will be broken by the highest score in the last 10-shot stage in the 45 Caliber Pistol Match, then by the next to the last 10-shot stage, and then by continuing to compare 10-shot stage scores through the Centerfire and 22 Rimfire Matches until the tie is broken (apply Rule 3.10.11 a) to each stage in succession).
Ties in other aggregate events will be broken by the highest score in the last 10-shot stage fired, then by the next to the last 10-shot stage fired, etc., until the tie is broken.
15.3 Single Stage - At any range or stage ties will be ranked by applying the following steps, (a) to (f) inclusive, in the order listed below:
(a) By the greatest number of X’s.
(b) By the fewest misses.
(c) By the fewest hits of lowest value.
(d) By the fewest hits of the next lowest value, etc.
(f) In matches scored in strings of 5 or 10 shots by the highest ranking score in the last string, by highest ranking score in the next to last string, etc. (If still a tie, apply Rule 15.10.)
15.4 Multiple Stage - In matches fired in stages, ties will be ranked by applying the following steps, (a) to (d) inclusive, in the order listed below:
(a) By the greatest number of X’s.
(b) By the highest ranking score in rapid fire; if still a tie, rank each rapid fire score by applying Rule 15.3. If this does not break the tie, apply Rule 15.4(c).
(c) By the highest ranking score in timed fire; if still a tie, rank each timed fire score by applying Rule 15.3. If this does not break the tie, apply Rule 15.4(d).
(d) By the highest ranking score at slow fire; if still a tie, rank each slow fire score by applying Rule 15.3. If this does not break the tie, see Rule 15.10.
15.5 Aggregate Matches - In aggregate matches, ties will be ranked by applying the following steps, (a) to (d) inclusive, in the order listed below:
(a) By the greatest number of X’s.
(b) By the highest ranking total rapid fire score (including both single and multiple stage match rapid fire scores ranked as shown in Rule 15.3). If this does not break the tie, apply Rule 15.5
(c) By the highest ranking total timed fire score (including both single and multiple stage match timed fire scores ranked as shown in Rule 15.3).
(d) By the highest ranking total slow fire score (including both single and multiple stage match slow fire scores as shown in Rule 15.3). If still a tie, see Rule 15.10.
15.10 Unbreakable Ties - In case a tie cannot be ranked under the provisions of the above rules of this section, the Match Director will direct that the tie be decided and awards given under one of the following plans as appears necessary or advisable. Individual Competitor ties, which cannot be broken by the aforementioned methods, will be resolved by the score of the previous individual fired match or matches as necessary. In the event the tie is in the first fired match, where no previous matches exist, the next individual fired match or matches, as necessary will be used to resolve that tie. (i.e. - An unbreakable tie in the National Match course shall be decided by the score or scores in the previously fired Slow Fire match.)
3.11.4 (b) Classification - Events Recorded. CMP National Trophy/EIC Pistol Classifications are provided for scores fired by competitors in individual pistol events including the President’s Pistol Course, 40 shots, and the National Match Course, 30 shots, with either the 22 Rimfire Pistol or the Service Pistol. CMP Match Pistol Classifications are provided for scores fired by competitors in individual pistol events including the 22 Rimfire Pistol Match, 90 shots; the Center-Fire Pistol Match, 90 shots; and the 45 Caliber Pistol Match, 90 shots. Scores fired in team matches will not be recorded. Scores will be recorded for complete events (normally, 30, 40 or 90 shots).
However, if an event is shortened according to 3.1.5, the scores for the completed series will be recorded. If a competitor whose current classification is Expert or higher fires a sub-normal 10-shot series score, which is defined as a score that is less than 60 percent of the competitor’s current 10-shot average, that 10-shot score will not be included in classification calculations.
19.4 Matches Used for Individual Classification - Scores to be used for classification and reclassification will be those fired in individual and team matches in both indoor and outdoor NRA Competition as defined in Rule 1.6 (except Postal Matches) over the following courses of fire and under the indicated conditions:
(a) National Match Course.
(b) NRA Short Course.
(c) National Match Gallery Course (50 feet or 20 yards).
(d) Any component part of these courses when fired as single stage events.
Scores fired indoors are used to establish indoor classification.
Scores fired outdoors are used to establish outdoor classification.
3.11.4 (c)- Classification Calculations. CMP Pistol Classifications are based on the competitor’s current 10-shot average for a minimum of 30 shots that were recorded after 1 January 2018. After a competitor has a minimum of 30 recorded shots his/her 10-shot average will be computed by considering the most recent recorded 30, 40 or 90-shot event scores or partial event scores (Rule 3.1.5 course of fire reductions and the deletion of sub-normal scores). When the most recent recorded scores total 300 or more shots, the oldest recorded scores will no longer be considered, provided scores for at least 300 recorded shots are considered. Classifications will automatically be updated as soon as additional match scores are recorded. Any classification changes will be displayed in the CMP Competitor Classification database and become effective immediately. Classifications may go up or down until 300 shots are recorded. After at least 300 shots are recorded, classifications will not go down regardless of the competitor’s current average unless a competitor requests that CMP Competitions consider a downward classification for him/her based on the competitor having a consistent lower average.
19.16 Establishing Classification - A competitor will be officially classified by the NRA when the total score for a minimum of 360 shots has been reported for either indoor or outdoor. However, classification averages will be computed only after the total score for a tournament or league has been posted and, therefore, the average may be based on a greater number of shots, but will not be based upon a lesser number. Total scores so reported to the NRA will be posted to the Classification Record for the competitor concerned. When the scores for the stated minimum of 360 shots (or more if this minimum is reached during the scores of any tournament or league) have been so posted, the average score per IO-shot string will be computed. The competitor will be sent an Official NRA Classification Card based on the average so computed and according to the table in Rule 19.15, which classification will become effective the date shown on the card issued by NRA.
19.17 Reclassification - A competitor who has been classified by the NRA will be reclassified as follows:
(a) A record of all completed (see Rule 19.9) NRA Competition scores fired by a classified competitor (except Postal Match) will be maintained by NRA Headquarters. Only scores not previously used in computing a classification average will be used for reclassification, except as noted in (c) below.
(b) A competitor will be considered for reclassification upward when scores for not less than 360 shots, fired subsequent to the tournament date at which he earned his current classification have been recorded as prescribed, except that such consideration will not include tournament or league scores until after all scores for the tournament or league competition concerned have been recorded. If the average scores so justifies, he will be reclassified upward accordingly.
(c) A competitor who believes his classification is too high may file a request with the NRA that his classification be lowered. Once a written request is received at NRA an average will be taken using the competitor’s most recent reported shots (1890 shots for outdoor pistol; 1080 shots for indoor pistol) posted subsequent to the last classification or reclassification. If the competitor does not have the minimum number of shots posted at the time of the request, an average will be taken when the minimum numbers of shots is posted to the competitor’s record. When the average of such shots places the competitor in a lower class, classification will be lowered accordingly.
(d) A reclassified competitor shall be sent a new classification card which will become effective as of the date shown on the card issued by NRA.
3.11.4 (f) - Classification Reciprocity. Competitors who do not have a CMP classification, but who have an NRA classification, may elect to compete with their current NRA classification. After a competitor establishes a CMP classification, they may continue to elect to compete with an NRA classification if it is higher than their CMP classification, but they may not compete with an NRA classification that is lower than their CMP classification.
3.12.1 Rule Violations- Competitors or team officials may be disciplined or disqualified from a match for any of the following acts of misconduct:
a) Violating CMP safety rules (Rule 3.6) and/or range safety rules;
b) Failure to comply with CMP Competition Rules;
c) Refusing to obey the instructions of a match official or failure to make a correction after a warning is given (Rule 3.12.2);
d) Failure to perform assigned duties as a Scorer or Verifier (Rule 3.4);
e) Falsifying or being an accessory to falsifying scores;
f) Disorderly or unsportsmanlike conduct; or
g) Interfering with or disrupting a competitor on the firing line.
3.12.2 Enforcement In the event of rule violations, match officials shall take the following corrective or disciplinary actions.
a) Warning. Whenever possible, a warning and opportunity to correct a rule violation must be given before imposing any further penalties;
b) Penalty. A penalty of two (2) or five (5) points may be deducted from the competitor’s score in the event or stage where the violation took place. Any decision to penalize a competitor must be made by at least two Competition Officials (must be a Range Officer, Scoring Officer, Chief or Assistant Chief Range Officer, Technical Officer, Match Director). Unless the applicable rule specifies a five (5) point deduction, initial deductions should be for two (2) points;
3.6.7 - Loading is defined as bringing a cartridge or magazine containing cartridges in contact with a pistol. Pistols may be loaded only when a competitor is on a firing point and only after the Range Officer gives the command LOAD. Charging magazines in advance is permitted, but no magazine may be inserted in a pistol until the command LOAD is given. Any competitor who loads and fires a shot before the LOAD command shall be disqualified and may not continue firing in that match.
9.30 Penalties/Disqualification - The Official Referee, Jury, Supervisor or Match Director, upon proper presentation of evidence, may disqualify or order the expulsion of any competitor from the range for violations of rules or for other conduct considered discreditable or unsafe. In the event of a disagreement between Match Officials, the Official Referee or Jury shall prevail at the match with recourse only to the Protest Committee.
4.3.1 Changing Firearms- Firearms used in CMP pistol events may not be changed during the firing of any single event, except when a pistol is declared disabled by the Chief Range Officer.
9.1 Changing Pistols - Competitors are to use the same pistol during single stage matches, i.e., Slow Fire, Timed Fire, Rapid Fire and NMC (a single match). If a pistol becomes disabled at any time and is designated as such by the Chief Range Officer, all shots fired up to the time the claim is made will stand as part of the official score. Any disabled claim must be made immediately.
4.3.5 Disabled Firearms- **Revised in 2012 A disabled pistol is one that cannot be fired or cannot safely be fired. Disabled pistols may be replaced if a substitution can be made without delaying that stage of the match. The replacement pistol must comply with the Rules that apply for the event being fired. A Range Officer must confirm that the pistol is disabled before it may be replaced.
4.5.5 Pistol Cartridge Deflecting Screens- Competitors may use a screen or net fastened to their pistol box, shooting kit or a separate stand to deflect or catch empty cases, provided the screen construction allows wind to pass through it. The competitor’s pistol, hand or arm may not contact the screen or net.
3.9.1 Deflecting Screens - Shooters may use a screen fastened to their shooting kit, or similarly placed, to deflect empty cases, provided the screen is made of material such as Hardware Cloth, with wires not larger than 1/16 inch in diameter and spaced not closer than 1/4 inch. Screens of solid material may not be used.
5.1.5 Malfunctions- A malfunction is the failure of the pistol or ammunition to function properly. A competitor with a malfunction may complete a series once when a malfunction occurs during the slow-fire series and may refire a series once when a malfunction occurs during the combined timed and rapid-fire stages of a National Match Course or Presidents Match Course. Competitors are allowed one series completion or refire during each of the slow, timed and rapid-fire stages of 900-point aggregate matches.
5.1.6 Malfunctions in Slow-Fire Series- If a competitor has a malfunction during a slow-fire series, he/she may clear the malfunction and continue firing; he/she may load additional rounds as necessary to complete the series.
a) If clearing the malfunction or repairing or replacing a pistol requires additional time, the competitor must notify the Range Officer. After examining the pistol, the Range Officer may award extra time equal to the time required to clear the malfunction or, if additional time is required to clear the malfunction, repair the pistol or replace the pistol, the competitor may be resquadded on a different relay to complete the series.
b) In slow-fire series completions, the incomplete original target will be placed in the target holder and the competitor will complete the series with a time limit of one minute for each unfired shot.
10.9 Procedure in Case of Defective Cartridge, Disabled Pistol in slow fire - If a cartridge fails to fire or a pistol fails to function in slow fire the competitor may replace the unfired cartridge or clear the jam and continue firing. Additional time may be allowed any competitor, equal to the time lost because of the defective cartridge, disabled pistol or malfunction, if the Range Officer has been notified at the time of the malfunction. (For refiring privileges 21 see Rule 9.14). It is not required that the Range Officer attempt to fire a cartridge before it is declared defective. In case of malfunction where a pistol or revolver is disabled and must be replaced requiring a refire, the competitor will call the Range Officer.
5.1.7 Malfunctions in Timed and Rapid-Fire Series- If a competitor has a malfunction during a timed or rapid-fire series and wishes to claim a malfunction, he/she must lower the pistol to the Ready position and raise his/her non-shooting arm.
a) A Range Officer will examine the pistol to determine if the malfunction is allowable or non-allowable. Failures due to improper manual operation of the pistol by the competitor are non-allowable malfunctions. If the competitor attempts to clear a malfunction, the malfunction is nonallowable. If the malfunction is allowable, the series may be refired;
b) Refires of allowable malfunctions in timed or rapid-fire series will be fired as a refire series. In the refire series, the competitor must load and fire five rounds. Any shots not fired in the refire series due to another malfunction or failure to fire must be scored as misses (0);
c) The target with the original (incomplete) and refire series will be scored by counting the ten (10) lowest value shots, including any unfired shots on the refire series; or
d) If a competitor is not allowed to claim a refire (5.1.5) and/or wishes to clear a malfunction and continue firing within the time limit, he/she may do so; he/she may load additional rounds as necessary.
10.11 Completion of Fire - In the event of a malfunction the competitor may complete the string by manually cocking the pistol, operating the slide or loading additional rounds, provided that the pistol is handled safely and remains pointed downrange at all times.
10.7 - NOTE: In slow fire events, which are scored after 10 shots, the command should be 10 SHOTS SLOW FIRE, 10 SHOTS IN 10 MINUTES, LOAD. (The number of rounds to be loaded by the competitor in slow fire stages will be determined by the competitor.)